Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Great books for a new twin mom!

Hey everyone! Here are some book recommendations that I have read that have really helped me out and I hope they can help you out too!

  1. Your Baby's First Year - this book has been really helpful. Has answered a lot of questions for a first time mom.  Link to book
  2. Twins Pregnancy, Birth, and the First year of Life - Has charts, diagrams and pictures if you really like the visual kind of learning. Link to book
  3. The Healthy Pregnancy Book - has a lot of health tips and food diagrams on what you should and should not eat. You can also write down your journey throughout the book. link to book
  4. What To Expect When You're Expecting - the classic book most people get when expecting. A great book to read though. link to book
  5. What To Do When You're Having Two - a great book for those who are having twins. link to book
And for you expecting father's out there I also have a great book for you.
  1. The Expectant Father - has recipes, diagrams and so much more to help you get through this journey with the mother to be. It can be really confusing and difficult for the father to understand what the mother is going through, this book really helps break everything down and help you understand everything. link to book

I hope these book will help you out! Thanks for reading!

Miss Olivia 

Miss Lilly

I was not financially compensated for this post. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Working Twin Mom

Hey everyone! So I just started a new job and I am happy that I only have to work 3 days a week at the moment. I was really worried at first because I didn't want to work full time due to the fact that I really want to be there for my daughters when they hit there milestones, but was needing the money. I was finally able to find a job that I only have to work 3 days a week and only have to find someone to watch my daughters for one of the days because the other two days my husband will be able to watch the girls on the weekends when I have to work! I like being able to get out of the house and do my own thing for hours and get paid to do it, but I also love being able to come home and see the girls laugh and smile when they see me. I like being able to spend time with them. Let's be honest twins can really be overwhelming and can get really frustrating but when they are gone with Nana or I am not at home with them the silence is often a very odd thing to hear. All you mommas out there that have a job as well as kids share your stories and experience with a new momma!

Thanks for reading!