Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Food/Sleep Hack!

Hey everyone! I'm going to give you some pointers that have really helped me a lot when it has came to introducing solids to my girls and helping them sleep longer through the night. I have seen a lot of moms not introducing there twins to solids till about 8 to 9 months of age because they do not seem interested or they do not know how to use the spoon yet. Have no fear!

When introducing solids your babies may not like the the cereal (mine constantly gagged when I would try to give it to them) so try something else. I tried something sweet my first time like a fruit, (I used bananas) then use a syringe (like you would use for medication) fill it all the way up and slowly squirt it into there mouth. I usually put about 0.5 ml in there mouth at a time. I did this for about two months, during this time they were able to learn mechanically how to get them food to the back of there mouth without the irritation of having to figure out the spoon. This REALLY helped with introducing foods and they really loved the variety of foods they were able to try. At about 4 months they did there sleep regression and wanted to completely change the sleep routine that I had going for them so I will share with you my new schedule (I use schedule lightly because lets be honest babies have there own schedule lol) has been that has helped them sleep between 6 to 8 hours.

Let's start with bedtime. Bedtime for my girls starts at between 7:30pm to 8:00pm. This is when we start bath time, get changed into night time diapers and put on new pj's for the night. Then after all that is done we feed them a solid (don't be afraid to experiment moms and dads, there is no manual for children and you know you child best. I am currently using Gerber stage 2 foods and they just turned 6 months. They like these better because of the mixture of foods in them. There current favorites are Vanilla Custard Pudding with Bananas and Apple Berry with Mixed Cereal. They eat about 2 ozs each of solid food) after feeding them the solid we top it off with a bottle ( I usually give them about 2 ozs and then if they want more I give them about 2 ozs more). Then I lay them down and put there binki's in and have white noise going on in the background.  Sometimes they go right to sleep sometimes they don't. Sometimes my husband and I have to pat there butts for a little while to get them to go to sleep. It is usually about 9pm to 9:30pm after all of this. If you are wanting an earlier bedtime you can always do that also. They usually switch off on who wakes up first but one will always wake up at about 2am or 3am and the other will wake up about two hours after that just wanting a little bit more food. This sometimes changes depending on how much food they eat throughout the day, this is very important, always make sure they get enough to eat through out the day. Breakfast is usually at about 9am or 9:30am, I feed them a solid again just like I do at bedtime and then finish off with a bottle. Then I feed them bottles through out the day usually every 3 to 4 hours. I hear a lot of parents say 'keep the baby up all day long' I let them take about 2 to 3 naps throughout the day (they usually only sleep for about an hour anyways) and then give them plenty of play time with mommy and daddy, toys or there education show on Roku. This is just my feeding and sleep schedule.

Remember every child is different. What may work for one child may not work for another so feel free to play around and modify to make your own schedule.

Thank You for reading!
Also feel free to follow my website or on Pintrest to keep updated on all of my posts. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Crib Hack!

Hey everyone! I know there are some twin mommies out there that have know clue what they are going to do when there twins get to big for the crib but still want the to sleep together. Well I will share with you what my husband and I did so that our girls could sleep together still and have lots of room for the coming months of growth. The crib shown below is a Dream on Me 2-in-1 Full-Size Crib and Changing Table combo from Walmart. They have a variety of finishes and we absolutely love the extra storage we can get from it. It's a good crib for the price and let's be honest when it comes to needing two of EVERYTHING cutting costs is part of the process. Now within the two cribs we have two crib mattresses with a large pool noodle going down the middle, now you can add a blanket on top of the pool noodle if you have any extra space but we did pretty well with just the pool noodle. Now the sheet is a fitted full size sheet, there is a little extra sheet because of this but we just pulled it on the edges so it would be a smooth fit on top. Now with this set up we can choose to have two changing tables if we would like but at the moment we are just using one side for wipes, diapers, powders, ext... Also we can put things under the bed also to get it out of the way. It's crazy to see how they were able to fit in one crib just fine and now they can't. Love this idea and I hope you can use it also!

Thanks for Reading!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Savings Post 5/17/16

Hey everyone! I have come today with some great savings for you moms out there!

The following coupons that I will mention below you can find in the widget on my home page I will also have a link at the end of the page. Let the savings begin!

  • Johnson's Baby $1.50 coupon - You can get a bonus 5000 points along with $5 reward with Walgreen's if you spend $10 or more on any Johnson's products. 
  • Huggies diapers $2.00 coupon/ Target coupon $2.00/ Cartwheel %10 off- At Target when you buy any two Huggies diapers you will get a $10.00 gift card. (with target you can stack coupons)
  • Huggies wipes $0.50 coupon - no sales at the moment
  • Gerber Graduates $1.00 coupon/ Target coupon $1.00 -  no sales at the moment
  • Pampers baby dry diapers or Swadlers $1.50 coupon/ Target coupon $1.50 - At Target when you buy any two Pampers diapers you will get a $10.00 gift card. (with target you can stack coupons)
  • Luv's diapers $2.00 -  no sales at the moment
  • Pampers Splashers $2.00 coupon/ Cartwheel %10 off - no sales at the moment
  • PediaSure $3.00 coupon - no sales at the moment
  • Gerber Lil' Pastas coupon - no sales at the moment
  • Goodnights or Pullups $2.00 coupon -  Walgreen only
  • Huggies little swimmers $2.00 coupon/ Cartwheel %5 off - no sales at the moment
  • Balmex $2.00 coupon - no sales at the moment
  • Pampers cruisers $1.50 coupon - no sales at the moment
  • Huggies overnights $2.00 -  no sales at the moment
  • Kandoo products $0.50 coupon - Cartwheel %20 Kandoo Flushable wipes
  • Happy Baby buy 3 get 1 free -  no sales at the moment
  • Pampers Underjams $2.00/ Cartwheel %5 off - no sales at the moment
  • Gerber Graduates Formula $5.00 - no sales at the moment
  • Papers Easy Ups $2.00 coupon/ Cartwheel %5 off - no sales at the moment

Target coupons you must get from target.com and Cartwheel deals are in the cartwheel app.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Donating & Selling Breastmilk

Hello everyone! I know there are some mother's out there that have a lot of breast milk out there and do not know what to do with it. I had so much breast milk my parents freezer and my own were completely full. I had no where else to put my milk. As many mothers know this is Liquid Gold!! You cannot waste this stuff. So for those mothers out there that are producing so much and have no where to store it I have a great solution for you! Donate or Sell it!! There is a huge demand out there for this liquid gold. There are many hospitals and Facebook groups that will gladly take donated breast milk. There is also such a demand out there that you can even sell it online! Believe it or not there are a lot of male body builders out there that will buy your milk for a large sum of money.

At onlythebreast you are able to buy, sell and donate your milk. If you are buying breast milk they have amazing tips for you to make sure you are getting the best for your baby. The seller shows the location they are selling there milk and if they are willing the ship the milk for you. If you are selling they have a step-by-step way to ship the milk if you would like to ship your milk.

At Prolacta they have lots of places that you can donate your milk. Most of the places make you fill out an application to get background information to make sure you are healthy and that they are getting the best breast milk to give to other mothers in need.

With Facebook you can type in donate breast milk and find communities that you can donate your breast milk to.

Breast milk has a lot of benefits for our babies and if you are able to help others by giving away breast milk that you do not have the room to store or even breast milk that is about to expire, what better way than helping other babies get nutrition!

Thank you for reading!