I have two wonderful daughters that I happened to get at the same time. The girls are identical twins. No I did not get IVF, I just happened to get lucky. The pregnancy with the twins was one of the best pregnancies I think any mother could want. It went very smoothly, other than the pregnancy scare at 28 weeks, I had a smooth pregnancy after. The first three months were horrible just because I couldn't eat much without being nauseated. Olivia (Twin A) had personality during pregnancy, she locked in her 1st place spot early and did not want to move at all. She unfortunately locked in her place in the wrong position, although she was head down, her head was in front of my cervix instead of on my cervix so in the last month I was constantly contracting but I never dilated. Which lead to a very long month until my c-section. Lilly (Twin B) was constantly on the move. She never wanted to stay in they same spot and liked to flip from cephalic to breech at least three times during the pregnancy. When I had them Lilly was about a pound heavier than Olivia and so far still is. They certainly have grown into there own personalities, although share a few personality traits as well. I was blessed to be able to say that I had a smooth twin pregnancy and not only it was my first pregnancy.
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